Security on internet



You are aware that the Internet is full of fraud, cyberbullying and even identity theft and blackmail. These are serious dangers that all internet users face.

Below are some tips to help you stay as secure as possible. These are only recommendations that we have tried to bring together but they do not constitute total security.

1. Protect access to your account

When you create an account on our platform, you share more or less sensitive information, such as your name, first name, email address, telephone number. This information can be coveted by cybercriminals.

It is important to ensure that no one can use your account on or any other website without your knowledge or steal your identity. To do this, protect access to your account by using complex and robust passwords and, very importantly, different on each site.

Things NOT to do:

    • Short password: We require a minimum of 8 characters including lower case, upper case number and special characters. Even with these precautions that we impose, the risk is always there of being attacked. For example, a password such as Bonjour123# meets the criteria imposed on the Platform but can be hacked very quickly with common attack techniques because it contains a word from the French dictionary.
    • Use the same password: It is true that nowadays we have accounts on dozens of platforms. It's hard to remember a different password every time. However, the risk is big. If a hacker accesses your information, immediately after, the hacker will try this password on your bank account, your social networks, social security etc etc.
    • Relative password: Under no circumstances use in the password a word that exists in your email address. If your email address contains your first and last name never use them in your password, even if you add capital letters or other or even if you use them partially.
    • Zero risk: At the slightest suspicion, change your password immediately.
    • Password manager: An alternative that can be considered. Make sure it is ANSSI certified for France and Luxembourg, CCB for Belgium, FMW for Switzerland, NLNCSA for the Netherlands or check your country of residence for equivalences.
    • Public Computer: Whenever possible, never use a public computer like in an internet cafe, airport, train station etc. If you really have to, open a so-called Incognito window like on the Chrome browser. And be sure to close all instances of the browser and verify by visiting the site that your name does not appear. And never click on Remember me when logging in.
    • Do not communicate your password: It seems obvious, but never forget it. over your shoulder when you enter your password
    • Public Wifi: Very practical when you are outside like in a café or an airport, but still relatively dangerous to use, since you have not entered password to connect to WiFi, so there is no protection. However, if the site you are connecting to is in HTTPS, the risk is lower. If you have the possibility of using your mobile in WiFi mode with password, prefer this option
    • Double Authentication: When you log in to, we add a level of security called two-factor authentication. password, we will send you a code by email l to make sure it is you who is connecting.

Who are you talking to

The platform allows Users to contact you. Be careful about the information you share. Never ask anyone to come to your house. Prefer the exchange in a public place where you will give the product or recover the product in exchange for the amount to be paid. If the distance is too large, you can use the "Intermediate" option. The user selects the possibility of using an intermediary during the passage of the advertisement. If a buyer is interested, they make an offer online and the seller can either accept it or make a counter offer. The buyer pays online and the amount is retained by the platform until confirmation of receipt of the product or service. The platform will take a commission on the transaction to pay for the financial costs of the credit card and the use of the platform.

What are you buying?

Be sure to thoroughly review all features of the product or service you purchase. There can be a big difference between what you understand about the product and the reality. For example, you expect to buy a racing bike but the product is a bike but a toy. For example, if a company offers to install tiling in a room in your home, make sure that all the details are on the estimate. Such as the yardage, the type of tile, the size of the tile, the straight or diagonal laying and even the type of glue used. These are only examples, and of course ask yourself all possible questions and never be in a hurry. If the seller insists they're already talking to buyers, don't let that pressure you. A good deal is a well thought out deal.

A great offer

Yes, a great deal is often closer to a scam than anything else. A beautiful Mercedes that is less than 2 years old at 5,000 is an obvious scam but often it can be much more subtle. Never send money online, meet the person, view and verify the product.

Control your Ads

Social networks allow you to communicate with a large audience that you will never be able to completely control. When you post an ad on, the same applies. Don't post personal or sensitive information that could be used to harm you. Also, use good judgment when discussing your work as it could harm you and your business.

Control third-party applications

When you install an application on your mobile phone, make sure that it is the one you want to install and not a copy or an application that looks like it. The applications of the Site are very easy to identify thanks to their logo and to verify who the Supplier is. Our applications are signed by our parent company (Exins).

Also check the permissions that applications request during installation. For example, an app that asks for permission to send text messages or make phone calls could most likely be a scam. Only install them from official sites or application stores (Google or Apple for example), otherwise you risk giving access to your account to a program infected with a virus. If the app is too intrusive in the permissions it asks for, don't install it. And of course, remember to uninstall these applications if you no longer use them.

Respect the law

Internet is not a lawless zone and anonymity is never absolute. Remember that cyberbullying, statements inciting hatred or violence, pedophilia, image or copyright infringement and other behaviors or actions are punishable by most international laws.
Beware of "fake news" which can have serious consequences on the people who are victims of it and on yourself by relaying it.